Fangoría y Nancy Rubias

23 agosto 2025

Starlite Occident 2025 - Marbella (Málaga)


On Saturday, August 23rd, Starlite Occident will host a unique night with the double concert of Fangoria and Nancys Rubias.

With their distinctive combination of danceable and hedonistic electronic pop, Fangoria has established itself as one of the most important duos from the Movida Madrileña and the national music scene. Hits like “Dramas y comedias,” “Ni tú ni nadie,” and “A quién le importa” are sure to be part of the lineup on Saturday, August 23rd.

Thanks to their fusion of electronic music, pop, dance, and glam, Las Nancys Rubias have crafted a unique and unparalleled sound. Led by Mario Vaquerizo, the band began in 2004 purely for fun, unaware that songs like “Me encanta” and “Peluquitas” would go on to become major hits in Spain.

The company is registered in the Madrid Commercial Registry, Volume 40039, Page 36, Section 8, Sheet M 711382, and Tax ID (NIF): B88553763.Registered address at Avda. Burgos 12 lateral, 28036 Madrid.